I just can't believe it.How could I have made such a mistake. Here I was with the wrong staff and a dangerous one at that. Slinging my pack over my shoulder and gently picking up the earthquake staff, I headed out the door and to Haven.
I managed catch a ride on the Sliver Wind and arrive at Snowcap village shortly before dawn. A nice cup of hot cider would sure taste good and help fight off the chill in the air, but I better not tarry.
As I reached the base of the mountain the winds began to howl. I put my head down and began to walk as fast as I could. The storm began to slowly subside could see a large holding in the distance.
As I neared the castle, I noticed how heavily it was guarded. What is going on here? Upon looking more closely I realized that all the guards were dwarves. I must be at the dwarven king Slade Ironbottom castle in Coopertop. I had taken a wrong turn. As approached the castle I was stopped by several guards demanding to know what business I had there. I explained to the guards who I was,doing my best imitation of the Dragon Queens glare. Ah, you're here to help us then.Help?,I was just lost.I better
keep that to myself.
Standing before the dwarven king. He tells me of how every night some of the treasure is removed. No sign of break ins and the guards have seen nothing."What is your plan"? he asked. "I rather not discuss it here your Majesty, the walls have ears" I told him with a knowing glance.
As I warmed my hands by the fire in my room there was a knock on my door. Opening the door I saw the king's aid Eldwin."What is your plan there are no ears listening here but mine" he chuckled.
"Well, I thought that we would conceal ourselves and just watch".
"We have been doing that but I bow to a clan members judgement" he snidely remarked.
The hall outside the treasury was freezing. I heard a nose and turned it was only a servant barring a tray of hot cider for all of us. I gratefully took my cup and began to sip the warm brew. In I matter of moments I began to feel sleepy. The drink was drugged. I struggled not fall under its spell. I cast remove status and feigned sleep. Under my lashes I saw Eldwin walk to the door and opened it with the key. I made my way to the room and peered in. Eldwin was helping himself to the treasure.
"Stop" I shouted. Stunned he looked up."What are you doing to do to stop
me"? he asked as he pulled a bow from his quiver.
Melon, no that won't help. My thoughts were racing. I quickly cast remove status on the blue dragon who awoke with a roar and rage in his eyes seeing the teasure tucked in Eldwin's belt. Flames shot out of the dragon's mouth. Eldwin dropped his bow. The might howl of outrage had sent the king and his personal guards running.
Eldwin's story of unquenchable greed unfolded. He had promised his bride that he would marry her as soon as he had enough coins. But being so greedy he never had enough. The potion in the cider induced sleep and on awakening you would remember nothing.
The grateful king provided me with a sleigh and escort to Ice Crest castle.
In no time at all I was munching on cookies and admiring my reward from the grateful king. The sapphire eyes of the dragon hammered out of gold gleamed in the even in the candle lit room.