The door to my cottage was wide open when I arrived home from Guildertown. Putting my packages down, I grasp my staff with both hands and on silent feet I entered my home.
There was no one in the living area or kitchen; slowly I crept up the stairs. Reaching the landing, I walk to my bedroom door and cautiously turn the knob. I slam the door back against the wall hoping to smash anyone hiding behind it, but the door springs back from the wall nearly smacking me in the head.
Leaping in the room and yelling "Prepare to fight you slimy warts on witch's behind".
I find it empty also but not undisturbed. All the drawers hang open from my chest and all my papers that were on my desk now liter the floor.
I had been robbed!
There had been a ring of thieves praying on the towns folk, now it look like they had spread their thievery out into the forest. Taking a quick inventory of my belongings I find that they had stolen several small pieces of jewelry and my book of Mysterian plant life that contained all my drawings and herbal recipes.
Taking the stairs two at a time I start looking around the downstairs to see if they had stolen anything else. Cursing them under my breath as I looked at my empty pantry, the scoundrels had helped themselves to every last bit of food in the house. They had the utter gallto steal the special cookies Diamond had make me! That was thelast straw. I would hunt them down and when I found them there will be a bumper crop of melons this year.
Stalking out the front door armed with my staff and fueled by anger, wishing I had some of those throwing things that Ronin uses or a sword a nice sharp one. While walking to the oracle tree, I imagine all sort of horrific things befalling the cookie stealing slime.Discussing what had happened with the Oracle tree, We deduce they must not have intended to steal or they could have never been able to enter the forest. Their greed and stomachs would be their downfall. The tree had seen no one leave, so they still must be in the forest.
Rubbing my hands with glee not many were better finding someone in the forest than Dryads. With the Oracle tree's good wishes, I began to search the forest.
Instead of keeping on the path, they had veered off to the side, making an easy trail to follow. As the forest became more densely wooded the trial soon vanished. I cast talking tree and ask a nearby maple if she had seen anyone pass this way
"Why yes, some merchants they were loaded down with goods and eating cookies" she replied.
In which direction did they go"?
"North, dear, they were talking about a hidden gorge.",thanking the maple for her help, I continue my hunt.
Up a head was a small flock of birds, happily pecking away at the ground as I neared I notice that they were feasting on cookie crumbs. I had them now, if the birds had not eaten the trail they hadleft behind. Following the crumbs and with the birds following me, I came to the edge of the forest.
Stepping out of the forest, I could see no trace of the thieves, only the mountains to the north and the road leading to Sithean on the left. It wouldn't take long to get to Sithean and get some help, but how much trouble could thieves be? Walking quickly to the base on the mountain, I began to climb upwards. Not long after I started my climb I was reward by the sound of coarse laughter coming just above me. To right was an outcropping of rocks and a narrow ledge.
Climbing up and on to the ledge, and looking down, I scrutinize the gorge, there is a small pool of water that is feed by a waterfall, surrounding the pool are several groups of large boulders and rocks. The four miscreants were on the grouping that was furthest away from the water, gloating over their ill-gotten goods. One thief with a matted beard and no teeth but one was gumming a cookie as he flipped through my book. Another motley looking one was picking wild blackberries that grew behind their resting-place.The other two had nodded off. Evidently from eating to many cookies. What a bunch of buffoons to make camp so early in the day.
"Phis aron't no speill bouk Homer,just drewing of fluwers."he told his companion, as cookie crumbs spewed out of his mouth.
Ha, I could handle these four with no trouble at all. Beginning my descent, I gingerly make my way down the bluff, trying to be as quiet as possible. Leaping down into the gorge, I prepare for battle.
Bellowing out my best battle cry, I cast melon on one tooth. Turning I rap the sleeping thieves with my flower staff, while they all began to bloom, I cast vine on the berry picking one.
I congratulate myself on a job well done, unfortunately for me I had not counted on the other four coming from behind the waterfall. I was spelled out and in deep goblin shit.
As they encircle me, I tried to hold them off with my flower staff, but I was rapidly growing exhausted. One of them feint to the right as I struck out at him, I stumbled and dropped my staff.
Snickerbunnies, I was in for it now. At the same time, thief start to grab me, I heard a mournful chant, let the Dryad go!
"Shut up Winslow," said the unwashed one.
"But, But it wasn't me Oslow, I think it coming for that rock."
The voice rang out again, let the Dryad go.
Falling to my knees and holding my hands over my ears.
In a fearful voice, I exclaim. "It's the singing rock of Dragon Back. The thieves stare at me with open mouths.
The rock starts singing a dirge "I am the singing rock of Dragon Back.And my command you better heed,With my song I will attack,A song that will make your ears bleed."
"Yoweeeeeee" moaned one tooth.
He put his hands up to cover his ears as he drew them back down they were covered in blood.
The rock started wailing again more mournful than before.
The rag tag bunch started to scream in pain as their ear's bleed.The singing grew louder and sounding even more mournful than before.
"I getting out of here cried" Oslow.
They all took off running if Nelgath himself was after them.
The rock stopped its singing.
"Dash, Is that you?" I called out hoping that it was.
Yes, Kira, it's me; he said laughing as became visible.
Well, am I glad to see you!"
"Or not see me" Dash answers.
"What about those Thieves Dash, shouldn't we go after them?"
"No, they will have a little surprise waiting for them" he said tilting his head.
Soon the words "Thortih helps us it a Dragon" echo in the mountains.
Finding my book, jewerly and one tin of unopened cookies.We set off in the direction of the screaming thieves.
"Cookie?' I ask...